The company “s-Terra Ciespi” announces a new product version VPN Updater. Product VPN Updater version 1.2 is designed for centralized remote management and updates of all products
line of CSP VPN Client/Server/Gate. In particular, he works on the platform of a modernized network module (MSM), which was developed jointly by Cisco and “-Terra Ciespi”.
New product version designed for the automation of VPN service devices of the company “s-Terra Ciespi”. VPN Updater allows you to remotely change settings, monitor status,
changing policies, replacement of certificates, key material, and perform many other tasks for configuring the remote VPN devices.
Central remote update of the VPN devices gives the customer a number of advantages. A VPN Updater, the update procedure of the VPN devices easier for users and
for administrators. For users of VPN devices, updates can happen quickly, and administrators spend much less time. Overall, this increases efficiency
the family of products CSP VPN Client/Server/Gate.
Product VPN Updater version 1.2 consists of the server updates and client updates. The client part of the product is set to the device with the software package CSP VPN Client/Server/Gate.
The server part of the product installed on a dedicated computer administrator and is designed to control the update process on the VPN device. The usability of the server is
the update server provides a single management interface for all devices of a ruler of CSP VPN. Additionally the administrator to automate the updates are available the command line interface
control that allows you to write scripts.
The main advantages of the product lie in the fact that the centralized, remote update VPN devices increases security of the overall system. Since all updates occur
centrally and remotely, access to key information is limited only by the administrators of the control center. It should also be noted lower total cost of ownership (TCO): the need
the mission of skilled professionals directly to the equipment is not available, decreasing the service time of the VPN devices and the time of unavailability (downtime) of the VPN device.