Berlin The “Clear voice” sound track can be activated by an audio button on the remote control of the TV or receiver, for example, when receiving via satellite or antenna (DVB-T2 HD). Depending on the program, the audio track is already partially available for cable reception and livestream via the media libraries. With the help of artificial intelligence (AI), a transmission tone is generated for “clear speech”, which brings the spoken word to the fore. According to ZDF, the sound option will also be gradually introduced for the programs ZDFneo, 3sat and ZDFinfo. ARD has also announced that further third programmes will be given “clear language” at a later date. The voice-optimized soundtrack is a reaction to a variety of hints from the audience, who above all wanted better speech intelligibility. A complex production with sounds, effects and music is now standard for films or documentaries and is part of the dramaturgy. However, this can be at the expense of speech intelligibility. However, whether a program is perceived as intelligible to the language depends not only on the mix of the broadcast sound during production, but also largely on the individual listening ability and the individual conditions at home, explains ZDF.