Everyone knows that a movie on Netflix viewed in HD can quickly use up a proper chunk of your data packet. But for most people, it actually comes as a surprise when they find out how much data the social media is actually using!
Facebook Instagram is a big user, and you do not have unlimited data, then this article will be for you. We reveal how much data the various social media outlets actually use, so you might find the explanation why you always run out of data so early in the month.
on Facebook
Facebook downloads and displays a lot of pictures when you scroll down your wall, which means a large consumption of data. In fact, Facebook consumes 80 MB per hour (source) if you use it non-stop. If you have a data package with 10 GB of data, this means that you can use Facebook for 167 hours before you run out of data. Over a month, this is approx. 5.5 hours of Facebook a day, which for most is far more than what they spend. However, you have to remember that you also use data on other things, not least other social media, which leads us on to Instagram.
Instagram is the big data-swallow within social media. Instagram can boast of using as much as 720 MB per hour, which is equivalent to using Instagram for 14 hours before you run out of data with a 10 GB data package.
The reason why Instagram is so data-heavy is that the media mainly consists of pictures and video, which are always downloaded, even if you just scroll past and do not really see the videos or pictures.
If you use instagram a lot and you tend to quickly use up your data package, one solution might be to limit data usage in the app. Read more about this here.
Snapchat is also a data guzzler, especially if you send and not least receive many videos. Studies show that a 10-second video message consumes 891 KB, so you should not receive many video messages until you have used up a large number of megabytes. On top of that, Snapchat runs in the background even if you’re not actively using the app. This means that the app uses data while your phone is lying untouched, which can make most without unlimited data cringe.
We hope that with this short article you have got an idea of how much data the social media actually uses. Keep in mind that for the vast majority of social media there are settings options in their apps, which make it possible to limit the consumption of data.
Beware of the social media-they use all your data!
Everyone knows that a movie on Netflix viewed in HD can quickly use up a proper chunk of your data packet. But for most people, it actually comes as a surprise,…
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Written d. 4 apr 2017 – No comments