Technology focuses on data and it seems that it will be a relationship of the future. According to some predictions, in 2020 half of the spending of this sector will be closely related to the almighty data.
The data has become a maximum value in the information and communication society. Data traffic marks the present of the current technological reality where Big Data has been consolidated over the years. So much so that future predictions already place this technology as the central axis of the technological universe.
2020, a year marked by data traffic
In two years the Big Data will have imposed with force, as it shows the last report of the consultancy IDC. His predictions coincide with those of Gartner, who already placed the data as the protagonist of the technological market of the future.
The report situates next year 2020 as the determining date in the success of Big Data. The change is already here and will be led by the data, which, in two years ‘ time, it will represent up to 50% of the total technological expenditure. A triumph that will come influenced by the importance that the analytics will have. Track, analyze and know how to interpret the different analysis metrics that this data will provide will be vital to understanding the changes and anticipating the needs arising from the information examined.
Three sectors that will mark the future of Big Data
The data is a whole strategic assets that will bear greater fruit with the passage of time. A bet for the future where, according to the report of firm IDC, until the 45% of CIOs globally you will want to count on to foster your business through digital initiatives in the next two years.
A future where the national Big Data market will maintain its increase at a rate of 6%. A growth that will focus mainly on three sectors: banking, retail and health. Three areas where, thanks to the presence and the traffic of data, the 540 million euros in 2021.
Big Data, center of digital strategies
The digital universe for Big Data. As if it were a web, the datum reach all different areas of technology, influencing them equally. Artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, augmented reality … there is nothing that can resist Big Data.
This is reflected in this report, which states that, with a view to 2020, the 45% of companies who have decided to count on IoT apply the best metrics of artificial intelligence. In the same way, more than half of European companies will implement a series of strategies augmented reality/virtual reality two years from now.
A whole series of steps that will make the technological expenditure of the future focus on its greatest current bet, the data.