Earn a virtual living by transporting loads with your train through an open world of more than 250 square kilometers.
After suffering a short delay of a week on its scheduled release date, the train driving simulator The Valley it will finally debut this Friday 25 january in the form of early access on Steam. Altfuture it will put us in the cabin of a train that we will control interacting with our hands over the different controls. With different jobs to choose from, the goal will be to transport cargoes through the available 256 square kilometer map. The offices of each of the available industries will be the ones that will give us access to their missions, having to perform loading, unloading, docking and more. The money we earn from our transport jobs will allow us to buy fuel and upgrade our freight train.
Among its features, we find steam or diesel engine locomotives, procedurally generated work based on the gaming industries, motion physics that contemplate derailment and basic damage management.
We have a demo of Derail Valley available on Steam, although they warn that it is a mid-2017 version, so it does not represent the final quality with which the game will arrive this Friday, with an early access version that will offer “hundreds of hours of play”. We can check all the features they have planned in the following link.