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Software Modernization, Part 5 Making Software Sustainable from the Ground Up
When modernizing software, the question of sustainability quickly arises: how is it possible to design the new software in such a way that it can also cope with possibly unknown future requirements?
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Anyone who replaces software should think about a certain future viability from the outset.
Legacy software grows and thrives in many companies until one day a limit is reached: then an often complex and costly modernization is necessary, up to the complete redevelopment of the existing product. In this case, it makes sense to make some considerations about the future viability of the new product in advance.
In this way, maximum compatibility with future requirements, functions and upcoming hardware can be achieved right from the design stage. Otherwise, the new development will also one day reach legacy status – and represent a confusing patchwork of poorly documented additions, changes and functional enhancements. With which the first point would already be clear:
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