For Mobile, Desktop, and Advanced Security GitHub has released several Updates
With the Updates for the Apps, GitHub, Mobile, Desktop, and Advanced Security GitHub introduces a number of new features and improvements.
GitHub has released some Updates.
(Image: GitHub)
So the current version from GitHub Mobile provides a number of new features for a better notification management, and enables the native view of the Releases in the App. With these Features, GitHub, follows the Wishes of the Community. Push Notifications are now only in the case of direct mentions, but also, for example, in the case of Review of the requirements for Pull Requests and the incoming tasks.
In order for the notification to flood takes over, with the exception of “Team Mentions” and “Team Review Requests” from the additional Push notifications. In addition, the user can specify within what time frame, notifications are desired. In this way, it is ensured that the work-life merge. The latest version of the GitHub Mobile is the App Stores of Android and iOS available.
Cherry-picking and more safety
GitHub Desktop 2.7 has now been supplemented by the so-called Cherry-picking, also at the request of users. Users can, thus, Commits a simple Drag-and-Drop from one Branch to another copy The new Feature also includes an Undo function, a Conflict-Resolution Dialog in the event of problems, as well as the Option, the Cherry-picking just the context menu to perform.
Also GitHub Advanced Security received an Update: aboard, among other things, the Beta of the new Security Overview that provides a Central Overview of security risks by Code Scanning, Dependabot, and Secret Scanning. Thanks to customizable filters, users can focus specifically on the relevant Repositories. In addition, GitHub announced that the Secret Scanning function for private Repositories is now generally available.