The arrival of the mod that will allow you to play the full game in virtual reality, is getting closer, but first they need support in Greenlight.
The development team of the mod Half-Life 2 VR, just released the greenlight campaign that will allow them to publish the content on Steam, if they get the necessary support. Once they have the green light, the arrival of the mod to users should be very close, because despite not having a specific date, that is the intention of the developers. The mod will bring Gordon Freeman back to the virtual world, but this time with support for commercial viewers such as Rift and Vive, room scale and motion controllers.
Below we can see the new trailer on the occasion of the campaign in Greenlight:
In development since 2013, we will soon be able to enjoy the latest installment of Half-Life in virtual reality, which includes a new 3D user interface, adapted to VR; realistic interactions with weapons; improvements in effects, textures, models and maps; and multiple locomotion methods so that each user can choose their preferred option to travel the streets of Ciudad 17.
Half-Life 2 VR Game free, although it will require Half-Life 2 plus Steam episodes 1 and 2. Initially only the Half-Life 2 campaign will be playable despite requiring episodes. Support that will come later, the team told RoadToVR. In the previous interview, the team revealed that to get the game to SteamVR, they had to create a hack that is responsible for sending the frames directly to the new VR APIs. Finally, they have also commented that they are considering adding support for multiplayer and co-op. Something that would add many more hours of play in company.