In late may, the PSC felt slightly better than his nucleusand Galanin | 03.06.2020
This follows from the results of the third survey Agency marketing research the B2B Research where respondents become 100 SMB-enterprises
working in various industries and available in various regions of our country. “Our definition of SMB is the same as how it sees FNS-explains the founder of B2B Research Dmitry
Dobrovolsky. – That is, SMB is a company with a turnover of up to RUB 2 billion per year. They are divided into micro (up to 120 mln), small (120-800 million) and medium (up to 2 billion) of the enterprise. The first survey
“The index of SMEs” was held in April, the second in early may, and the third in late may. Every time questioned exactly 100 companies.”
According to a survey of top managers of SMB companies B2B Research generates three independent SME index (the“value Added” HR and “Mood”) and their arithmetic mean value (the so-called
“Composite index”). Each of these indices can range from 0 to 100 units, with a value less than 50 means deterioration (e.g. increase of the purchase price or
the decrease in revenue), and values greater than 50 are talking about improvement of the situation.
Comparing the results of three waves of the study being SMB-enterprises suggests that all three listed above are independent of the index is steadily increasing. However, early to rejoice. After all, the main
indexes research B2B Research characterizing the health of SMB companies, still below the crucial 50 units. And if to look not on the comparative results of the three waves of the study “the Index of the PSC”, and
the outcome of a particular “third wave”, we can see that 70% of the respondents of this study noted a decline in revenue, a 23% staff reduction, and 65% deterioration in the terms of doing business. “Small
and medium businesses continued to suffer heavy losses, said Dmitry Dobrovolsky. – However, the dynamics of the sentiment index suggests that despite the General pessimism, the hope for stabilization or
improvement continues to strengthen.”
Comparative results of the three waves of the study being SMB-enterprises
Source: B2B Research, may 28, 2020
The results of the third wave of the study being SMB-enterprises
Source: B2B Research, may 28, 2020