The Pentadimensional Games game will include motion controller support, a free exploration mode and virtual reality on PC on August 9th.
The PC version of Megaton Rainfalllaunched without virtual reality on that platform, will receive next month (the 9 august) an update that will add support for the SDK Oculus and SteamVR, thus ending the period of exclusivity in PSVR. In addition, the addition of the PC VR will bring with it a new free scan mode and compatibility with motion controllers to direct the flight and perform energy attacks. The PSVR version will also receive all these additions through an update that will be available a little later during the month of August.
Since its release, the title in which we became a superhero has sold almost 100,000 units, five times more than Pentadimensional Games expected. Taking into account that the game has a cost of€ 15.99, they will have achieved a revenue of more than one million dollars.
With these last additions, the team will make the leap in September to their next project, of which they have not yet shared details.
We have more information about Megaton Rainfall in their PSVR analysis.