Microsoft shows for the first Time to the public, the your own chakra JavaScript Engine core on Linux and MacOS. However, this implementation is still in a very early stage.
Microsoft has unveiled an experimental implementation of the JavaScript Engine, chakra core Interpreter and the runtime for x64-Linux as well as OS X 10.9. With chakra core, Microsoft is working on a new JavaScript Engine for the Windows 10 default Browser is Edge. The development in the it is demonstrated in the framework of the conference on Technology, Node Summit 2016.
Node.js with chakra core (Node-chakra core) for Linux have also been introduced. Microsoft announced in January, the JavaScript Engine is under a mit license. Thus, the manufacturer also made it clear that chakra core should serve not only as a JavaScript Engine of Edge, but possibly also in other platforms and services might be used.
Microsoft’s chakra JavaScript Engine core on Linux and OS X. (image: Microsoft)
The development and the Tests for the Linux porting to be done, especially on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. This Microsoft wants to ensure that other modern Linux distributions can be easily supported.
“Chakra core, and in the further Node-chakra core support on other platforms, the same amount of JavaScript Features, such as their Windows counterparts”, the promise of the program Manager, Limin Zhu and Arunesh Chandra in a Blog. However, the support of Just-in-Time compilation, and other Features were missing in the current cross-platform implementation. This will be added in the course of further development.
Microsoft’s chakra core on GitHub. (Screenshot:
“By bringing chakra core on Linux and OS X, we want to empower developers to create cross-platform applications with the Engine”, you will continue to write. They also point out that the APIs for the JavaScript Runtime (JSRT) have been developed for chakra core initially for Windows, and therefore, inevitably, a few Windows were dependencies. In the framework of the cross-platform support some of the JSRT had been designed, therefore, APIs, without sacrificing backward compatibility to the previous APIs for Windows.
The beginning of this year, Microsoft had proposed his chakra core Engine for node.js . It submitted a Pull Request, and hoped, that the server-side Javascript platform Node.js accepted his chakra core Engine as a selectable Alternative to Google’s V8 Engine.
Node.js serves as a JavaScript platform for network applications, and is actually based on V8, one of Google, originally for the web browser Chrome-developed Engine. Microsoft’s interest in Node.js was aroused, because it is suitable for cross-platform development of Apps that are on the one hand, to use on small IoT devices, and on the other hand, for scalable Cloud Services.
The now begun Linux support for Node-chakra core, see Zhu and Chandra is still “very early step” towards full support for Linux. “This is only the beginning of our cross-platform efforts, and we will continue to expand our cross-platform support on an ongoing basis.”