It’s been a while since there was a transfer movement at Oculus, but today the news arrives of the acquisition of Surreal Vision, experts in the 3D recreation of real scenarios, something very important according to Oculus to achieve the feeling of presence.
The three founders, all doctors of the laboratory pioneer Andrew Davison at the Imperial College of London, are Richard Newcombe, inventor of KinectFusion, DynamicFusion and DTAM (Follow-up dense and Mapping) and co-inventor of SLAM++; Renato Salas-Moreno, the inventor of SLAM++ (SLAM at the level of objects) and Dense Planar SLAM; and Steven Lovegrove, co-inventor of DTAM and author of SplineFusion.
Our colleague AOXE3D has made an excellent translation of the statements of the Surreal Vision team after the Oculus announcement, which you can read below in the comments of this same news.