Pavel Durov released an article about how Apple is destroying startupimage Dragun | 10.07.2020
He believes that the 30% Commission charged by Apple is killing new development.
According to Durov 4 years ago he tried to start in the Telegram platform for game creators. The plan failed, and Apple has banned the launch of a gaming platform, citing its own rules. A telegram
had to remove the already established catalog of games Telegram, and almost the entire interface of the platform — otherwise Apple would remove the app from the AppStore.
Apple prohibits the installation of any apps on the iPhone outside of the AppStore. Who takes a 30% Commission of the turnover from the sale of any digital services. In fact Apple and Google charge tax on developers.
Durov proposes to require Apple to preinstall the alternative app stores that would allow local developers don’t have to send 30% of its turnover in California. It would be
a more effective measure to support the local IT than discussed in some of the EU digital tax.
IT market, and technology software market
Apple, Google