Whether a Kickstarter project arrives on time or almost is becoming a whole event, and it seems that the Perception Neuron motion capture system has had its turn.
Next week or the following week, shipments will begin worldwide, since the Perception Neuron team will test all the kits one by one before sending them. Once in the hands of the transport agency, the shipment will take between one and two weeks to reach its final destination. The first to serve will be the 300 early bird kits, followed by the rest. Initially the shipments were scheduled for February, and seen what has been seen in other projects starting with the Oculus Rift itself, a delay of just two months sounds like May water.
Perception Neuron’s Kickstarter campaign was a huge success, raising more than double the initial goal of $250,000. The usefulness of this sensor system goes beyond virtual reality, since it is a very low-cost motion capture system ideal for small indie studios, and its ability to export the captures directly in BVH and FBX format is something that does not go unnoticed. The prices of the Kickstarter campaign were extremely competitive for what these systems usually cost, and the special offer of 32 sensors for $340 for those who supported the original Oculus Rift campaign, which allows capturing the movements of the entire body down to the fingers of the hands, is something that is rarely seen. To give you an idea, the post-Kickstarter price will be $ 1,499, which is still no nonsense compared to other equally complete motion capture systems.