Although it was initially planned that the STEM pre-production units would be sent last month, Sixense wanted to finish polishing them well and confirms that they will be sent before the end of November, while the rest of the units (those of the majority who have supported the campaign) would begin to be sent between 4 and 6 weeks later. There’s less left.
Sixense has already prepared an experience that simulates a ping-pong game, which adds to those that we have already seen previously of the Star Wars lightsabers and the shooting gallery. In addition, attendees at the Samsung Developer Conference in San Francisco will be able to try first-hand these days STEM together with Gear VR. Sixense is very clear that it wants to develop a platform as versatile as possible to provide bodily presence in virtual reality. The first step is to make the work as easy as possible for developers on different platforms, whether it’s a PC with a Rift or similar, or a mobile platform like Gear VR.