It’s been a while since there was much to tell about Star Citizen, since they are still working on supporting the Oculus Rift DK2 in Arena Commander, but today we want to show you a video of the planetary module that has left us with our mouths open. We will be able to see the process of approaching a planet, the (automatic) landing and how we move around the city on foot, entering different establishments.
The video has been extracted from the Twitch stream of the CitizenCon 2014 event and it doesn’t have too much quality, but we think you’re going to love it [Actualizado 14/10/2014, cambiado por un vídeo de más calidad]. Thanks to our colleague JackleNarrateur for sending us the link, which has reawakened our hype for Star Citizen that was kind of asleep lately.
And as an additional gift, we leave you with the official trailer of the Cutlass, which thanks to its tremendous agility due to its boosters defeats a Vanduul Scyte to tango rhythm without many problems. Another video that is not wasted either.