In a rather strange move, given that the Oculus SDK 0.4.3 is the one that has proven to be the most problematic, SteamVR has just been updated to this version instead of jumping to 0.4.4. It feels like Valve has lifted its foot off the gas in terms of support for the Oculus Rift.
Version 0.4.3 implements the famous “vignette” that slightly reduces the FOV, which has already been fixed by Oculus in version 0.4.4. In addition, the Steam virtual reality mode still doesn’t move smoothly unless we set the DK2 as the main monitor, and the direct mode still doesn’t work. Anyway, we assume that the move to 0.4.3 was something they had half done and have chosen to publish it in beta form while preparing the jump to 0.4.4. From what we have been able to see, the Half-Life 2 saga continues to work the same as before, but we hope that Valve will put the batteries with the direct mode, which is the one that interests the most in terms of ease of use.