The first stage of naval research under the project Arctic Connect zavershinskaya Alexandrov | 06.11.2020
“MegaFon” and JSC “Rosgeologiya” completed the first phase of marine research in the framework of the project of laying an underwater communication line from Europe to Asia. Research vessel “Professor Logachev” has arrived
in Vladivostok after the completion of the expedition.
During the work were investigated the most complex from the point of view of ice conditions on the route in the waters of the Northern sea route with a total length of 6500 km. the Complex of studies included
profile of remotely sensed geophysical methods low environmental impact: soundings of the deep water multibeam echo sounder, areal sonar survey of the seabed and the study of the structure
the upper strata of bottom sediments from acoustic Profiler. The work was carried out in areas with depths ranging from 30 to 613 m.
During the 105 days of the expedition, which started in late July in St. Petersburg, “Professor Logachev” have covered about 16000 miles, successfully completing the survey of the seabed in areas of the route PVOLS in the waters of six seas –
Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi, and Bering.
Successful execution of the works contributed to the favorable ice conditions in the Arctic ocean, this enabled the ship to conduct research in the high latitudes without icebreaker support.
The data collected will be processed by the specialists of “Rosgeologia” during the winter-spring 2020-2021 gg. next year will begin the second phase of research, including a study of the rocks of the bottom of the route.
The obtained results allow to choose the optimal route of cable laying along the Arctic zone of Russia, and also to identify places where construction of laterals to shore.
In June, MegaFon and Rusgeology signed a three-year Memorandum of cooperation: “Rosgeologiya” has become a key partner for marine engineering surveys in the implementation of project Arctic
Arctic Connect connects fiber-optic communication line the continent, which is home to 85% of the population, and provide the fastest signal with minimum delay. It is expected that the launch of the Arctic
Connect with a bandwidth of 200 Tbit/s will help to cope with the growing volume of global traffic. Taps was built from the main line, will enable it to provide high-quality communications to consumers
Arctic and Far East, including energy companies.
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