Nate Mitchell confirms on Reddit that the expected software update with improvements in tracking when we have several cameras will be delayed for a few days and will not arrive today, the last day of January.
The January Rift update is taking us longer than expected in terms of testing. We are working so that you all have it as soon as possible. We appreciate everyone’s patience. And yes, this means that we will probably release two updates in February.
So, it’s time to wait a little longer for Oculus to make sure that the software is in condition and Touch users notice an improvement in hand tracking. Mitchell has not given details on whether or not the update will arrive this week, but we don’t think it will be delayed too much if they do indeed plan to release two updates in February. And speaking of delays, we also wonder what happens with the version of Robinson The Journey for Oculus Rift, which also had to arrive in January when there are a few hours left for the month to end.