Half-Life: Alyx (2020) already inspires modders to create new environments on the basis of already available experience in the game universe. Now you can play Wolfenstein 3D in virtual reality, abounding weapons, grenades and enemies HLA .
Created by Modder “Grandmasterethel”, the new mod uses enemy soldiers in the game instead of the Nazis, which can be seen in castle Wolfenstein, although with the legendary “Mein Leben!”. scream when they inevitably explode.
Check out the full review from YouTuber VHS Productions, to learn about what happens when a deep retro meets advanced level VR.
To get the mod (thanks to VHS Productions for this), you need to download HLALauncher from JetLennit. Then download the map from here , open the Launchpad, click and drag the map file in the Launchpad. There again, drag the file, this time on top of the file halflifealyxlauncher.exe and release.
This is not the first time we see the classic Wolfenstein, presented in virtual reality. In 2018, the modders have developed a VR version of the game, which uses original guns and enemy models. Of course, there are official VR-game in Wolfenstein: the Cyberpilot, although in reality it has its roots in the original series and quite short.
As for Alyx, it is the second impressive mod, which appeared in the last days. A couple of days ago there was a fun survival shooter based on waves called XenThug. Also some modders make changes to the game, so it becomes possible to play without virtual reality, but the results do not look very promising.