Bitget has a large and active community that constantly exchanges with each other and shares trading experiences with each other.
The company’s own cryptoährung, the Bitget token, plays a central role in the community and the entire BitgetÖkosystem. Only by using the BGB token can users really choose the full range of functions of the platform, including trading directly from their own wallet, cross-chain swaps of any tokens and many other features.
In addition, Bitget uses the German Civil Code to provide incentives for the use of various functions and services by selecting certain rewards. In the future, Bitget wants to build a complete ängliches Ökosystem around its own cryptoährung, so that users have all the more opportunities to earn rewards.
The Civil Code also plays a major role in Bitget’s DeFiÖkosystem, because it is only through this that transactions üabout the decentralized financial services of the platform möbecome similar.
In May 2022, Bitget specially launched the Rewards Center, which allows users to receive a variety of monetary incentives, including trial funds, coupons, depositing rewards and tiered rewards. In total, users can get up to $ 4,163 in rewards on this way, previously it was only $ 150.
Üabout the friend promotion of Bitget köusers can also easily invite their friends to the platform and receive even more rewards, which in turn are based on the trading activityät of their referred friends.
Last but not least, Bitget has its own academy, where users are provided with an extensive arsenal of knowledge üabout trading and the crypto industry in general.