The PlayStation store receives a new round of discounts of up to 82% on more than 10 VR content.
Sony releases the discount period “Great games, great discounts” that affects several titles in the catalog of compatible with PSVR. The biggest offers are on games and experiences like Virry VR: Wild Encounters (82%), Thumper (75%) and No Heroes Allowed! VR (73%). The rest of the content has a discount of 50% or more. This new period of offers ends on October 18.
Full list of discounts:
- Batman: Arkham VR >€ 9.99 (50%)
- Cold Iron >€ 6.99 (50%)
- Hustle Kings > 5,99€ (70%)
- Mervils: A VR Adventure >€ 5.99 (62%)
- Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV >€ 9.99 (66%)
- No Heroes Allowed! VR >€ 7.99 (73%)
- Psychonauts In The Rhombus Of Ruin >€ 5.99 (68%)
- Radial-G: Racing Revolved >€ 5.99 (60%)
- Rez Infinite > 14,99€ (50%)
- Rollercoaster Dreams > 4,99€ (76%)
- Statik >€ 8.99 (55%)
- Stifled >€ 7.99 (60%)
- Super Stardust Ultra VR >€ 7.69 (60%)
- Tethered >€ 8.99 (62%)
- The Station >€ 6.99 (56%)
- Thumper >€ 4.99 (75%)
- Virry VR: Feel the Wild >€ 4.99 (50%)
- Virry VR: Wild Encounters >€ 4.99 (82%)
- WipEout Omega Collection >€ 14.99 (57%)
Full list of discounts ending tomorrow (October 4):
- Apex Construct > 14,99€ (50%)
- DiRT Rally VR Upgrade DLC Add-on >€ 4.99 (61%)
- Eagle Flight >€ 14.99 (62%)
- Loading Human: Chapter 1 >€ 14.69 (62%)
- ONE PIECE Grand Cruise > 6,99€ (30%)
- Star Trek: Bridge Crew >€ 19.99 (50%)
- Superhot VR >€ 17.99 (28%)
- Time Carnage >€ 9.99 (50%)
- Trackmania Turbo >€ 14.99 (50%)
- Werewolves Within >€ 14.99 (50%)