Berlin The series, also known as “Dynablaster”, has been delighting fans since the 1980s and is now part of the catalog of Apple’s Apple Arcade game subscription in the form of “Amazing Bomberman”.
The arcade version takes up the well-known game principle with single and multiplayer and expands it with the element of music. The playing fields sometimes change to the rhythm of the music. It was composed by international artists and is not only an accompaniment, but an important element of the game.
Until the last sound fades away
Because not only the arenas for up to four players are designed by the music. The songs also set the time frame of multiplayer battles. Until the last note, players have time to fight for the highest score – whoever leads is in the spotlight. Different bomb types and game items with special skills provide further variety.
“Amazing Bomberman” will be available from August 5th as part of Apple Arcade for Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Apple TV. The subscription costs around 5 euros per month. This covers all costs – there are no in-app purchases, advertising and excessive tracking.