As Yevgeny Butman billionaires plow taught Max the Wolf | 06.07.2020
“School billionaire” (bill Forbes) invited the founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of “lot”, the man who led the company Apple in Russia, or rather
caught it in the network re:Store Eugene Butman on quite a lengthy conversation about the risks faced and will face Russian business. And how to live
now simple and the easiest billionaires and those who want to become such, but for some reason has not yet become.
Yevgeny Butman said the current situation is difficult for everyone in Russia, not only for billionaires and describing its aftermath led to the phrase attributed to Warren Buffett (billionaire really from
quite recent past, and maybe even the future) – at low tide it becomes clear who’s been swimming without trunks. So Yevgeny Butman tried to explain the importance of the ability to organize themselves in a changed
circumstances. What is important for everyone, whether the owner or the million billion dollar business, its Manager or a simple employee.
Self-organization will be held not only people, but companies, many of whom will now have to unite around a stable “core” to avoid bankruptcy. The upcoming imminent
a wave of bankruptcies Yevgeny Butman communicates with the impending end of the moratorium, which is prohibited in Russia, the creditors wish to initiate bankruptcy firms, but does not prevent
to bankrupt your business by its owners, yet the wave is still not satisfied, then there is still hope for the best.
This the “best”, or rather the factors that you can use to improve the situation Yevgeny Butman called the release of the amount one and a half to two trillion rubles, which consumers do not
spend on tourism, a mortgage, buy a car and some other needs. Those companies that can find a use for this money and convince consumers to pull out the reserves “under
mattresses” – will greatly benefit and can begin to develop in the near future.
Lose, accordingly, those who focused on “fire fighting” in your business is not able to “twist his head 360 degrees”, looking for new opportunities and niches.
As a possible variant or extinguish a fire in the business, whether burning it to the ground to start all over again offers the traditional crisis model output to the cache. It implies
the translation into money than you can “okeshit” assets, goods, teams (the cost of which is possible with this approach to minimize), as well as sacrificing good relations with
creditors (who need to try as much as possible not to pay) and relationships with customers, with which it is necessary, however, to try to quickly knock out all debts. Disadvantage here is that the output of
crisis, when released niches and markets you come with nothing, only with a bag of money. Which new business will have to build, essentially from scratch. And this is lost time.
Therefore, the benefits received by the company, which had an airbag and power, including the will to wait crisis. If the segment of the demand will recover, they will be among the first
who will be able to use it.
But it will be a lot of people who no benefits and demand will not help. Yevgeny Butman believes that in the course of bankruptcies after the lifting of the moratorium, the market may take from 20% to 30% of the players. In
best case, the company will buy for a pittance more successful players, at worst they will simply disappear or will be eliminated if not by ruthless market, it is even more hard-hearted officials.
Yevgeny Butman said that in Russia over past crises has been turned out highly effective court practice on debt collection. If the money the debtor has, in principle, the methods of their
honest obtaining accumulated is already enough. It is possible, for example to attract the company to liability and penalties (after which it will not recover) – for delay of salaries. In commissions,
dealing with similar issues, according to Yevgeny Butman sitting officials, which are “sadistic pleasure” fine the company for late payment of salaries.
Omnichannel management (a combination of office and remote) will be the new trend for those who endure podkarantinnoy period. What company from the center of mass finally tasted
outsourcing will be a big plus for the development of regions, able to get ready to a cheap frames for provision center services.
But the fact that banks, accumulate a great number of “bad” debts and become much more toxic and will be trouble for the financial industry and many others.
In the “urban” sense in postpandemic new world will be that all employees and business owners will require a new level of education and possession of it tools. The transition period
will be a Golden age for consulting companies, which will help migrate the business to a new track and technology platform. But in the end, companies will have to rely on their own strength, that is
professionals radically higher level. And this in Russia before, according to Butman, it was a big problem. Will it become a panacea for organizations new generation “y” and “homelanders”
or old shoes (men “X”) – we’ll see.
“Russian business – a good place for those who are willing to do the work”, – summarized Evgeny Butman.
It’s good, I’m just sorry for those who sow and collect the harvest, we will probably not dosreis.
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