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CD / DVD not working in Windows
If you experience errors on your CD/DVD drive in Windows, or may not see the drive in Windows at all, try this program. The program goes in and checks your Windows drivers for the drive, i.e. whether they are correctly installed. If they are not, the program Resets Your Windows drivers to your CD/DVD drive. It can fix a bug and frustrations before embarking on finding drivers for the drive.
The program runs on: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008 and Windows 7.
Download the program here: CD / DVD Repair
CD / DVD not working in Windows
If you experience errors on your CD/DVD drive in Windows, or may not see the drive in Windows at all, try this program. The program goes in and checks…
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Written d. 18 jan 2010 – 1 Comment