The second installment of Doorways, titled The Underworld, is now available on Steam and is compatible with Oculus Rift DK1. We have asked Saibot Studios about the support for DK2 and they have confirmed that they are working on it, with its release scheduled for mid-October. They have also been kind enough to give us a key of the game that one of you will win… and you have to be quick.
In this third chapter of Doorways we continue in the role of Thomas Foster, a special agent who is on the trail of a psychopath. The atmosphere is similar to that of the first installment that contained chapters 1 and 2, it is a dense and overwhelming horror atmosphere, with puzzles and challenges that will test our ingenuity and skill. As we have commented before, next month it will be compatible with Oculus Rift DK2 and, to celebrate, we are going to give away a key of the game that can be activated on Steam.
The winner will be the first to find out in which of our three Doorways Chapter 1 & 2 videos we say the phrase: it looks like Gollum! You will have to locate the three videos on our YouTube channel and put a message in this same thread indicating the title of the video, the exact minute and second in which we say the phrase. And of course, you must be registered on our website, anonymous comments will not be considered valid. The fastest will receive a copy of the game. Good hunting!