Expansion of access to cultural values of the capital will be engaged in Arionidae Department of Informatization of the city of Moscow summed up the results of the open tender for selection of contractor research and development (R & d) in the framework of the plan of Informatization
capital for 2008, on the theme: “Development of a unified information system in the sphere of culture of the city of Moscow” (the Moscow EICC).
Through this competition authorities of the capital are expected to choose a company that would take over:
– development of subsystems, developed and implemented in the first stage EESC: public libraries, museums of Moscow, controls, culture, information portal “Culture of Moscow”;
– development of subsystems, developed and implemented in the second stage EESC: integration and information interaction and information security;
– development of a subsystem of archive storage of information resources in the sphere of culture;
– development of information services subsystem theatres, concert halls and cinemas, subsystems, parks, gardens, clubs and leisure centres of the subsystem of musical and art schools, schools
For performing these tasks, the management was ready to pay up to 20 million rubles.
The application form for participation in competition were submitted by only one organization — Institute of the information society (IIS). She appreciated their services in 19 million rubles.
As a result, the contest was declared void. However, since the application of the IIS responded with the requested requirements, the tender Commission decided to sign a state contract with this party.