For services Group and “Vkontakte” you can create a single account sapiently Solovyov | 23.06.2020
IT company Group and social network “Vkontakte” launched a new feature for user identification. A single account should be rid of such annoying problems as
the need to enter a username and password, and then change the settings when entering the different sites and applications, including those with different gadgets – cell phone, tablet or computer.
Using a new single account VK Connect, you can “one click” log in to social networks, and all other
services and applications that belong to “Vkontakte” and Group.
Moreover, each user is given permissions to manage the settings of all connected services, sites and applications of common personal account. it will be easier to manage data across applications
and on websites.
As the press service of “Vkontakte”, with the single account VK Connect for all services where it is available, the user can easily specify and update information about
yourself (name, city, address and other personal information), to make payments for goods and services (for example, using the “tied” credit cards) and keep track of transaction history, manage paid
subscriptions ( for example, to the Music of Vkontakte or to a single subscription for the Combo specials and deals in popular services от Group),
As promised the management of the social network, user data will be protected – a single entry will allow you to enable confirmation of entry of the secret code, take advantage of the advanced settings
security to abandon the use of multiple accounts and passwords, and manage your data on the websites of the services. In personal account you can view the sessions in any
the project, while out-of-date session, you can complete, and if you suspect a Scam – immediately change your password. It is reported that “Vkontakte” intends to protect the accounts
using neural networks, which will react to attempts of hacking and minimize thus the losses.
Today VK Connect works with two services – a single system of ordering food Delivery Club and voice mail. In the future this list will be expanded – it will include e-mail services taxi Citymobil, online auction Yula and many others. Also expected to join the project and third-party developers with their services.
As the authors of the project, in order to create a VK account Connect, register and make a profile in a social network is not necessarily: this can be done by using the phone number on the website
or service that is connected to VK Connect. The list of applications to which the current logged-in user with a single account, the user can change at will at any
First login to external sites using “Vkontakte” was added 10 years ago, in 2010, and since then, 35 million users, this has become one of the key ways of authorization on most web sites
in the Russian segment of the Internet. With VK Connect technology reached a new level. We go beyond the platform “Vkontakte” and combined with other services Group to make
authorization comfortable and safe to the maximum extent, – says General Director of “Vkontakte” Andrew Rogozov.
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