Fakes – a problem that Google is fighting hard and all means available. Lately questionable content to them consistently removed. But now the company changed tactics. Instead, the sites offering fake information, will fall in the results to prevent their appearance on the first pages of the search.
Moreover, assessors (people who are evaluating the quality of search results) now will mark the pages containing invalid data. Also stamped, and get the page content which is classified “substandard”.
Will change the principle of operation of the autocomplete feature. Previously, when the user started to enter a search phrase, Google suggested their possible options for its completion, based on the analysis of popular queries. Now search clues will undergo a rigorous selection. Phrases insulting in its meaning, will be deleted.
And the company Facebook, by contrast, has decided to bet on interactivity and added the ability to set a video on the cover page. So far, however, this feature is only being tested and only available to some businesses and brands.