Berlin No matter which group you belong to: The site ” ” is a practical offer for everyone, because it not only visualizes travel times for destinations in Germany on a map, but also shows how far you can get by rail in how many hours and for the whole of Europe.
In addition, the site can also determine the train travel time between two specific locations. This is useful even for well-informed train fans, because even when traveling across borders, time intervals and changes can result in travel times that you would not have anticipated – in a positive as well as in a negative sense.
Well-informed even across borders
The operation is very simple: enter the starting location in the upper left corner, and the map will immediately highlight where you can go anywhere in a certain time. The default is eight hours. However, this duration can be reduced by any number of hours, down to the duration of one hour.
Anyone who wants to have it even more concrete can then also enter any destination within Europe – provided that there is a train station there. Then you will see the specific travel time for this connection, even if it should exceed eight hours. The complete travel duration is always indicated, i.e. the pure travel time plus all necessary transfer or stay times.
According to its developers, the site works with data from Deutsche Bahn, which it provides via “” – a similar project that visualizes direct long-distance train connections on a map based on timetable data for the whole of Europe.