On October 25, the online conference will be held Pimax Frontier, an event where the company specialized in developing VR viewers with great FOV and resolution will talk about their future plans and reveal a new product called Reality, which they assure will be several generations ahead of everything in the market today.
This conference is announced under the slogan “a journey to get where no one has gone before” and it will explain the current roadmap of the company, its vision on VR 3.0 technology that is to come. To attend the event that will take place at 19h CET on October 25, it is necessary to register through this link.
Register now and get ready for an event filled with exciting announcements as we move forward together into the future”
About this new product called Reality only a small advance will be given, its real presentation will not occur until the celebration of the CES 2022 fair next year. The latest news about devices developed by Pimax was about their expected Sword controllers, whose manufacturing process has already begun after several delays.