IKinema presents a new motion capture system that uses only six HTC Vive sensors to perform the complete capture of the entire body.
The company specializing in motion capture, IKinema, has published a test to perform low-cost motion capture, using hardware from HTC Vive. Orion provides full-body mocap with as few as six sensors. If we already have an HTC Vive unit, then we already have the viewfinder and two motion controllers as standard, so adding three Vive Trackers we already have everything we need. Since the trackers are not yet available, IKinema has replaced them for now with more controllers.
The video shown uses pure data without any post-production. IKinema is developing this low-cost project that joins RunTime and Liveaction, its successful programs integrated with Unreal Engine and used by companies such as Capcom, Supermassive Games, Square Enix, Epic Games and many others well-known in the sector. Other companies like CloudGate Studio are doing something similar, but in the latter case focusing more on introducing our full body into virtual reality experiences.