Russia has created a laboratory for the development of quantum AI | 08.07.2020
“Rosatom” and the Russian quantum center (RCC) announced the creation of Russia’s first laboratory for the study and development of methods of machine learning and artificial intelligence
quantum computers specializes in the application of these technologies in the nuclear industry. The agreement was signed between the company of the digitization of the nuclear industry “Citrum” (part of “Rosatom”) and
The main objective of the laboratory is the development of technologies of quantum machine learning and quantum optimization. The creation of quantum computing could radically
to accelerate the solution of optimization problems, handling of large data sets, clustering and classification. Another promising direction is the use of machine learning and neural
networks for the study of complex (many-body) quantum systems.
The laboratory is formed on the basis of the group of quantum information technology of the RCC and the artificial intelligence lab of the company “Citrum” in the framework of the development project
high-tech field of “Quantum computing”, which “Rosatom” implements the agreement with the Government of the Russian Federation.
The opening of the laboratory is also due to the necessity of taking into account the global trend in which leading technology companies are beginning the transition from experimental development
quantum computing for pilot calculations which will be of both theoretical and applied nature, as close as possible to real needs.
A quantum computer, Artificial intelligence, R & d
Russian quantum center (mtskt, OOO), Rosatom