Navigate with your friends through a mysterious jungle, in an experience for locals that uses the StarVR viewer and combines the virtual with real elements.
Starbreeze and RED Games they have teamed up to create The Raft, a cooperative gaming experience for StarVR, the Starbreeze virtual reality viewer manufactured by Acer, capable of offering 210º FOV and a resolution of 5120×1440. The Raft will allow up to 4 players to play together in the same physical space, collaborating to make their way through a river and with the aim of finding an ancient treasure. The crew members will try to correctly guide and protect the boat so that it stays afloat. Avoiding, as we go deeper into the mysterious jungle, the attacks of different creatures that will wreak havoc on the boat. Only those coordinated teams will achieve their goal.
“We are very excited to be working with a great partner like Starbreeze to create something that people have never experienced before,” he says Donny Makower, president of RED Interactive Agency. “It’s going to be a lot of fun for groups of friends to play as a team, a totally memorable experience.”
The Raft experience, which seeks to attract all types of audiences from gamers to families or enthusiasts, will take advantage of the physical characteristics of the environment where it takes place. Since they will use real elements such as weapons and physical structures of the boat itself, with which you can interact for a greater immersion. The adventure will be available throughout this year for arcades and venues around the world.