The role of ICT-personnel is large, but their share in the Russian economy was still marialexandra Galanin | 12.06.2020
At the end of may, Rosstat released a 550-page book “Russia in figures 2020”. From this it follows that in 2019 in our country, the average number of people engaged in the activity
in the field of information and communication, was 1472,4 thousand. These estimates differ somewhat from the figures shared in IT-Breakfast “Digital challenges of the new reality: who will help?”, organized June 5,
the joint efforts of RUSSOFT, Association and RVC.
Thus, according to the RAEC, in 2019 the total number of ICT personnel in Russia amounted to 1.8 million people, of which 0.35 million were employed in the field of telecommunications; 0.5 million directly in the it industry,
and 0.95 million in organizations in different industries and in state institutions. And if, according to Rosstat estimates, in 2019 the share of ICT workers among the total average number of people employed was
Of 2.08%; it is estimated RAEC, in 2019 the share of ICT personnel among the economically active population of Russia amounted to 2.4%. So, in Europe this parameter is 3.9%, and in some countries is even higher: 4.5 percent
in Norway, 5% in Britain and 7% in Finland.
The difference of the estimates is not surprising. Agree that the number of officially employed and the number of working-age population is a few different sizes. Yes, the concept of the ICT-industry is very blurry:
Rosstat it is one (and is based on the national classifier of types of economic activity NACE-2), with the Ministry of communications (see, for example, the March version of the working draft “strategy of development
the it industry in Russia for the years 2020-2025 and for the period until 2036”) – have RAEC (with his “Ecosystem of the Digital economy of Russia”) – the third. Therefore, the comparison of the numeric parameters,
characterizing the state of the ICT industry, and figuring out which evaluations are rather hopeless and futile. Much more important trends. And they are: according to Rosstat estimates, and RAEC, the share of ICT personnel
among the total number of workers is increasing. Although not as fast as we would like and how it should grow in transition from the traditional economy to the so-called digital.
Of course, it would be interesting to know the opinion of the Ministry of communications about how the pandemic impacted the state and prospects of development of the domestic ICT industry. And in what condition is now the project
“Strategy of development of the information technology industry in the Russian Federation for the years 2020-2025 and for the future to 2036” (which included, among other things, a significant strengthening of the cadre potential;
the increase in training it specialists at universities; improving the quality of graduates in it specialties, etc.). Because of the content approved the “Strategy…” in many ways
depends on the tactics and strategy of specific ICT companies, which in our country, according to Rosstat estimates, at the end of last year, there were about 116 thousand.
But, unfortunately, no representative of the Agency not graced this momentous online event, which brought together, according to its organizers, about 600 participants, which is about six
times more than the usual annual number of participants zocoronline IT-breakfasts are informed (see, e.g., here and here) were very real and took place in the framework of
St. Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF).
The size and structure of the ICT personnel in Russia in 2019 Version RAEC
Source: raek June 2020.
The ecosystem of the Digital economy. Approach RAEC
Source: RAEC, June 2020
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