Despite the well-established expression “virtual reality“, there is a different degree of immersion in it, which gives the basis to classify and distinguish in it a few categories.
The most advanced virtual reality systems allow to realize the so-called “complete immersion” in a virtual environment (use some vr clubs Moscow), in which sensory system completely (or almost completely) isolated from natural stimuli. The term “full immersion” is very conditional, because, firstly, the isolation from the effects of the environment can be achieved only for a few species of the senses; second, today it is possible to synthesize, and to bring to the senses is not the complete set of stimuli and implement a fairly restricted range of changes in the characteristics of the stimuli.
In recent years, intensive development of the system of so-called augmented and mixed reality (Augmented Reality or Mixed Reality).
The functioning of these systems is based on the exact combination of the retinal images of objects in real and virtual environments – used or semi-transparent screens (through which is visible the real environment), or by an opaque screen combined image obtained by the camera and synthesized by the computer. Thus, in systems Augmented/Mixed Reality visual sensors are not completely isolated from the real environment, and they both affect stimuli, some of which is natural and part artificial in origin. There are also researching virtual reality systems another species, similar in functional characteristics to the sight of Augmented/Mixed Reality , but in which the real and virtual environment effect on different types of senses (use “disjoint” types of perception).
As example, the helmet display system, the monitors displaying the binocular image of the virtual environment, with high precision gauge 13 real, and in addition, having a high-precision coordinate binding to the real environment. The operator, equipped with such a system, can move, for example, inside buildings in total darkness and smoke, etc., guided by entirely artificial image of the 3Denvironment and the simultaneous impact of a real environment on the other senses.
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