Retro Ronin, formerly known as MEK Entertainment, has announced its first project: Voxelnauts is an MMO for virtual reality inspired by the novel Ready Player One.
In Voxelnauts, players will be able to craft items, collect minerals, explore, survive, colonize and create kingdoms. They will be able to team up with others to live epic adventures, search for strange treasures and fight against a mysterious enemy known as The Void. In addition to participating in the game, players will be able to create their own planets, folklore and games that will take place in the Voxhalla universe. Retro Ronin will launch a Kickstarter campaign to fund it on the 17th of this month.
At the moment they have not published screenshots, but with that name and seeing the background image on the game’s website, it gives the feeling that it will have a Minecraft-like aesthetic. In any case, we will get out of doubts in a couple of weeks.