GFS of Russia “chose” PC from IVK| 05.08.2008Monday, August 4, “Information implementation company” (IVK) has announced that the State Courier service of the Russian Federation (GFS of Russia) declared her the winner of the open
competition (in the form of an auction) to select a supplier of computer equipment.
According to the official report of IVK, the results of the tender it had signed with the office of the state contract, and now should be put to him (a single party) before the end of summer of the current year system
blocks IVK Platinum Pro preloaded with Windows XP Professional Russian. The cost of computers is 2 million 100 thousand rubles.
By the way, the CPI got only the second lot of the auction, and the auction for this item not even taken place. The fact that participation in them was allowed only one applicant, and the application of the three —
“MERLION Projects”, DEPO Computers and “Aquarius” — was rejected.
In the first lot of the auction GFS of Russia planning to play right to supply LCD monitors (starting price amounted to 900 thousand rubles). Such services the Agency offered “Aquarius”,
DEPO Computers, “Center of engineering competencies of Dzhi-EHS-Ti Group” and “MERLION Project.”
The last of the firms to tender were not admitted, and the representative of “Aquarius” at the auction were not. Of the three remaining last, and the least for the price offer made DEPO Computers. This
the firm has requested for monitors 886 thousand 500 rubles.