In-Stat investigated the “network” market| 14.04.2011
A major research company In-Stat conducted a study on sales and use of network equipment worldwide. In the report, In-Stat cited figures showing the status
the global market of network equipment. The study involves three segments: Ethernet equipment, wireless devices and devices for broadband access category CPE (customer premises
equipment, equipment in customer premises).
The study results TP-LINK ranked first in the world for the supply of network devices in two categories: the company’s share in the world market of wireless equipment is 20.8%, a
on the market user devices broadband access (BBA) is 16.9%.
In particular, the study claims that the market of devices for permanent access stable and shows a slight increase: compared with the 3rd quarter of 2010 (volumes of supplies all over the world —
96.8 million ports) in the 4th quarter, deliveries increased by 1.1% and amounted to 98 million ports. Revenues for the same period increased by 3.3% and amounted to 5.12 billion for the 4th quarter. The greatest
popular device with a bandwidth of 1 Gbit/s — growth of supply in this segment was 4.9%, and profit increased by 4.5%. The five leaders in this segment looks like the following
way: first place is Cisco Systems with a market share of 29,47%, second, third and fourth places were divided between HP Networking (19.11%), D-Link (16.44% of the market) and TP-LINK (13.48%), and closes
list NETGEAR with market share of 7.44%.
Sales of wireless devices, on the other hand, has increased in the last quarter of 2010, “gained weight” by about 9.1% compared to the previous quarter, the market volume has increased from 1.38
billion and a half billion. In comparison with the previous year, the growth in this segment was 18.8%. 802.11 n is becoming the most popular standard: delivery of equipment, supporting
standard, increased 23.9% for the 4th quarter of 2010. As expected, the products with the support of the previous 802.11 g standard become less popular (-6% of supplies) and lose in the price — index
revenue decreased by 11.5%. Leadership in this segment obviously — TP-LINK firmly holds the first position in the list with 20.9 percent of the global market. D-Link and NETGEAR are competing for second and third places, with
the proportion of vendors are virtually the same (17.8% and 17.6%, respectively). Linksys, according to the authors of the study, continued to lose ground last year, the company lost 3% of global market share and
the moment controls 8.8% of the market. Fifth place belongs to Technicolor with 8.5% of the market.
Closes research market information of user devices broadband access: in this segment there is also stable demand coupled with a slight increase. In the 4th quarter 2010 delivery
user devices broadband access totaled 36.8 million, which is 1.2% more than in the previous quarter, and 0.8% more than in the same period in the previous year. In revenue the situation is not
has changed compared to the previous quarter — total revenue was 1.6 billion dollars, which is only 0.3% higher than in Q4 2009. In this area of the market leader was also TP-LINK
share of the world market at 16.9%. Followed by D-Link (13.3%), and completing the top five leaders of the NETGEAR (10.4%), Technicolor (8.8%) and ZyXEL (6.1%).