Oculus has launched its content creation framework for WebVR that is based on React and React Native to abstract the programmer and create content in a simple way.
Coinciding with the F8 conference for developers, Oculus he has published React VR, a new framework that allows creating virtual reality web applications. React VR is based on React and React Native, so any developer with JavaScript knowledge will be able to quickly build WebVR content and take advantage of modules implemented in React. The React Native architecture allows you to have one thread for the application and another for drawing the virtual world, thus reducing any possible dizziness in the experience.
The library takes advantage of the WebGL and WebVR API to be able to use any virtual reality viewer and that the generated content is also accessible from mobiles or PCs without virtual reality. With ReactVR we can use components such as 360 images, 2D and 3D elements, audio, video, text and more to create 3D scenes.
The Oculus solution is added to other libraries or frameworks such as Mozilla VR’s A-Frame. Facilitating the work of the web programmer, to the point of abstracting from the complexity of handling the different viewers and platforms. React VR is available on GitHub, it is open source and we have the documentation available at the following link. Oculus also has a list of WebVR experiences for developer inspiration. To test our works we can use Chrome on Android or Carmel VR on Gear VR.