RosLogistics goes to “e” level of logistics services| 27.07.2012
The project on introduction of electronic data interchange (EDI) through the system Deadok SKB Kontur in logistics RosLogistics started from mid-April 2012. In may was launched the exchange
electronic acts of the MH and powers of attorney to receive the cargo with one of the clients of the company, and in the early summer of RosLogistics put the first electronic invoice.
The company provides a full range of logistics services throughout Russia since 2002 national and international companies of FMCG, excise, and telecommunications sectors, hi-tech,
retail, etc., and focused on continuous improvement and automation of logistics business processes and the application of advanced technologies.
In April 2012, the company RosLogistics was prepared by the infrastructure pilot project: the obtained digital signature certificates conducted system integration Deadok financial accounting system, which allowed
issue and sign the financial documents directly in the system, trained staff, prepared the relevant regulations. At the beginning of may started an email exchange with one of the clients
of the company. The first documents signed by EDS, steel warehouse unstructured documents: the acts of the MX and the power of attorney to receive the cargo. In June of the financial accounting system was sent first
formal documents: bills, invoices, acts.
Currently RosLogistics communicates with clients different types of documents used in collaborative business processes. The process of sending all of formalized financial documents
is fully automated. The customer can obtain not only legally binding document in electronic form, but also immediately upload it into their accounting system, without manual data entry.
Warehouse documents (acts, MX, proxy) is currently not formalized in law. Employees RosLogistics prepare the following documents to the WMS system, sign digital signature and transmit
customers using the web client of the company Deadoc.
During the third quarter of 2012 the company RosLogistics is planning to upgrade its warehouse management system AWACS .