SFU has identified vendors| 25.07.2008
On Friday, July 25, Siberian Federal University (SFU) has summed up competition on selection of software vendors.
We will remind, this contest consisted of two lots: the supply license “mathematics software” (budget — 14 million 425 thousand rubles) and Microsoft according to the scheme of Campus and School Agreement (7 million 462
thousand RUB.)
The first lot was discussed about the supply of 100 sets of “universal powerful mathematical system for numerical and analytical calculations” and “mathematical system for decision and documentation
scientific and technical tasks required for product development”; 30 sets “powerful and versatile mathematical software package intended for analytical and numerical calculations”;
seven thousand expansion packs for products MatLab (for 200 sets of each pack), etc.
The task in the second lot was for the supply of 300 sets of updates MS Windows Vista, MS Office Enterprise 2007, MS Office for Mac 2004 Professional Edition and MS Core CAL Suite.
On approval of the competition Commission, the application for the first lot of the competition came from two firms: “the Peleton Intelligent” and “Softline trade”. The second lot has attracted three companies: “the Peleton
Intellingent”, “Aichi” and “Neta-Sibir”. The “Peleton Intellingent” to tender for both lots was not allowed — the company has not indicated in his application “the term of guarantee of quality
goods and the amount of guarantee of quality of goods”. As a result, the victory in the first lot was given “Softline trade”, which the Commission decided to sign a state
the contract for 12 million 990 thousand.
Offers “It” and “Neti-Siberia” the competition Commission assessed 95.64 and 86,66 totals percent, respectively. The victory was awarded the “Neta-Sibir”. With this the firm needs to be signed
the government contract for 6 million 845 thousand.