In recent years, Apple has been heavily criticized for having draconian policies in the App Store, unfair to developers in many ways. Well, today, the creator of Telegram, one of the most used apps in the world, has just launched a new wave of criticism, this time for its review process in the App Store.
Pavel Durov, founder and general director of Telegram, wrote on his private channel about the terrible experience he is having with Apple. You see, he explained that as a developer one is always looking to constantly improve the features and functions of an app, so that millions of people can enjoy it. However, this is being extremely difficult: at the moment, the app has been “under review” for 2 weeks, without the company having explained why it is taking so long.
Durov assured that this update “is about to revolutionize the way people express themselves in messages,” but at the moment no one can test it because Apple is still reviewing it and has not contacted Telegram to clarify the situation.
Durov reflected on these unclear attitudes on the part of Apple, even for one of the most used apps in the world:
“If Telegram, one of the top 10 most popular apps globally, is getting this treatment, one can only imagine the difficulties experienced by smaller app developers. It’s not just demoralizing: it causes direct financial losses to hundreds of thousands of mobile applications around the world.”
It should be remembered that both Apple and Google charge developers 30% for each sale in the App Store or Google Play, which are supposedly used to improve their processes… things that are obviously not happening right now, at least in the Apple ecosystem.