Everyone knows that the initial drivers of the DK2 have not arrived without problems, and one of them is the correction of chromatic aberration. Palmer personally confirmed to us at Gamescom that there would be improvements in this regard, but the community has been ahead of the official solution and there are already patches for Unity, Valve’s games and Elite Dangerous.
As an Oculus representative has commented on the official forums, it seems that the distance from the eye to the lens (eye relief) is to blame for the malfunction of the correction, since Oculus has not included the correction coefficients for medium and short distances, with which we will get a better result with the dials away to the maximum. However, this is not an acceptable solution and Oculus claims that it will update such coefficients so that they work in all cases, especially for those users who want to maximally stick to the lenses.
To open your mouth, you can download this special version of the Oculus World demo (Tuscany with fewer special effects) and press the Start / End keys to find the value that works best for you. Below we offer solutions for Half-Life 2 and SteamVR, Elite Dangerous and Unity demos.
To correct the problem in Valve games, simply download this file, which contains three folders with settings of 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 for the chromatic aberration correction coefficient (Oculus uses a value of 1) and overwrite the files driver_oculus_x64.DLL and driver_oculus.DLL in the SteamSteamAppsCommonSteamVRdriversoculusbin folder. In theory, the further away we have the dials, the higher the value we will need. We found ourselves very comfortable with the 0.6 DLL on Steam and Half-Life 2 with the dials set to half. Now we can read the letters of the game console without problems, even in the areas far from the center the annoying duplicate letters in red and blue disappear, something unthinkable with the standard Oculus DLL. It is highly advisable to make a copy of the original DLLs, although we will always have the option to delete SteamVR and download it again. Of course it is very worth doing the test, since the graphic quality of the Half-Life saga improves dramatically with a correct chromatic aberration correction. Of course, this is a temporary measure, since Oculus will include the correction in its drivers and in its calibration tool, and Steam will be updated later, but of course it is a way to get that improvement from now on.
In the case of Elite Dangerous, they have not published a file since this implies modifying the EliteDangerous executable.exe and that is against the terms of use of the game, but they have left instructions for us to do it ourselves. We have to go to the folder C:Users[Nombre]appdatalocalFrontier_DevelopmentsProductsFORC-FDEV-D-1001 and modify the file EliteDangerous.exe.
- Make a copy of EliteDangerous.exe
- Open the file with a hex editor
- Between the 00CE2853 and 00CE286A replace:
- – 8FC275BC by 31082CBC
- – 0AD7A3BC by 426065BC
- – CDCCCCC3C by 295C8F3C
- – 0AD7A33C by 4260653C
- Save the changes and test
Finally, this DLL is used for all Unity-based demos, it is enough to overwrite the OculusPlugin.DLL inside the Plugins folder in the corresponding demo. We have tested in Tuscan and Titans of Space and the improvement is more than noticeable, especially in the latter, where the stars on the periphery no longer appear duplicated in red and blue but look white, as they should be.
Like all downloads that do not come from an official source, it does not hurt to take precautions. We have analyzed both the Unity DLL and the ones they have created for Steam with our antivirus and we have not detected anything suspicious. And of course, to emphasize once again that all this is a provisional solution until Oculus updates its runtime and the developers in turn update the demos to the corresponding SDK.